Monday, March 23, 2009


Thoughts from the Memphis ComicsPRO Meeting...

Some of you may have noticed the fact that I was not at the store last week. I spent the week in Memphis, the home of Elvis and some really amazing BBQ, and the host city for this year's ComicsPRO meeting. ComicsPRO is a trade organization for Comic Book Retailers, a place for us to stop being single voices that get drowned out by the big box stores and a distributor who thinks they are a monopoly, and to unite and organize and force matters that need to be heard. I have been an active member for close to 2 years now, and have seen the growth and potential that this type of organization has. The changes introduced into our industry as a DIRECT result of actions by ComicsPRO on behalf of its members are numerous, but none are greater than the fact that Diamond, and many of its Vendors (Marvel, DC, Top Cow, Image, Boom, Dark Horse just to mention a few that attended) are taking their time to go to these meetings just to present us with their materials and to listen to our concerns.

So what did I get out of Memphis? A few things:

DC Comics is going to have a GREAT year. Dan Didio is one of the most genuine fans I have ever met in my life. I know he has a certain reputation, one that I probably have talked about myself, but meeting the guy and spending a night in an open atmosphere, over drinks at the bar, gives one a new insight. Not everything is as it seems, not everything is a Success at DC and Dan will be the first to tell you that, but he's really trying hard and I think a lot of stuff they have been doing quietly over the last couple of years will pay out big this year.

- Blackest Night will be a HUGE success. We got a chance to meet Johns, and read the FCBD Blackest Night #0 issue, and I must say, I am completely impressed.
- The new Wednesday Comics look great. I do not think this will be a huge commercial success in a way that 52 was, but it will be a great Artistic endeavor that will prove that it's not all about money in this industry, there is creativity and a sense of wonder that is gone from many of today's books.
- This is going to be an amazing year for VERTIGO. A couple of titles that I read previews of look amazing. Watch out for THE UNWRITTEN, an amazing book that just screams Vertigo, from the great Lucifer team of Mike Carey and Peter Gross. The first issue (which is going to be 40 pages for ONE DOLLAR) is so entertaining and sets up so many great possibilities, it may be one of the best "for the money spent" comics I have read in a long time. Fans of Sandman, Fables and the Harry Potter movies will be instant readers on this book. This is the TRUE original Vertigo.

Image Comics is going to be stepping things up. Saw and read the first issue of VIKINGS, a new "golden age size" book, that at first sounds like Northlanders, but is definitely something else. The art and the packaging will get you to try it and the story will definitely get you coming back. Top Cow has been one of the biggest supporters of ComicsPRO for a couple of years, and it's starting to show. Retailer feedback and direct communication has led to some great initiatives, one of which many of you took advantage of last week, with the FREE issue of Witchblade #125, the first part of the "War of Witchblades" crossover. The way the company is promoting their great quality books makes me want to help and promote them. IF you have not read their books, CHECK THEM OUT. It's FREE, ask me this week for your free copy if you have not done so already.

Marvel Comics is Marvel Comics. What you see is what you get. They own the marketplace and they know it. But we were told in blunt terms that we are their #1 channel and that they are in no way looking to get out of printing comics and "go digital". That is reassuring considering they did it knowing it was recorded for the archives, and can be used later against them.

Overall, while we learned a lot about things coming out, the biggest success for myself and the store was what I learned about running a successful shop. My head and my notebook is so full of ideas, thing I can't wait to share with you. You will see some minor and MAJOR changes in the store in the coming weeks, and I hope a year from now, by the time I go to the next ComicsPRO meeting, I will be very proud of what I accomplished in the year to come.


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