Sunday, March 29, 2009



I know you have seen me wearing the "MARK WAID IS EVIL" t-shirt for the last few months, and I am sure some of you have been wondering, "what the hell do you have against Mark Waid?". Well, actually I don't have anything AGAINST Waid, as a matter of fact I am a huge fan. Why the shirt then? Because for the last 2-3 months I have been promoting a new comic book series, IRREDEEMABLE, by Waid, and making sure you remember it by now, because the book is hitting the shelves, and your subscription boxes, this coming Wednesday. Read it this morning, and my review is below. BTW, on May 2nd, you can tell Mark Waid in person what you thought about it.

Before I give you my review, here is an excerpt from Grant Morrison's letter that is published in the back of this first issue. He writes,
"Irredeemable is brilliant, hard-edged, progressive super-hero comics... it's a page-turning monster of a read. Irredeemable dares to show us what might happen when the best in us is finally brought low by the worst in us. And more frighteningly, it shows us what happens next".

Not much one can add to that. I will say, the art is wonderful, very reminiscent of D. Robertson's style on "The Boys". It fits the book's dark and moody style like a very tight glove. The story is not exactly what you expect, and it goes farther than most books trying to show you the grimness of the situation. There are a couple of nice twists, and by the end of the issue, you can't wait to see what happens next. It's everything you can and should expect from Mark Waid and it delivers completely.

Earlier, I took a chance and subscribed many of my subscription customers for this book. I don't go this aggressive most of the time, but I believe in this book and, as always with books that I like a lot, I am offering this book to any of my customers on 100% RETURNABLE basis. If you do not like it, bring it back and you get full credit, no questions asked.

And, on May 2nd, stop by the store for our HERO INITIATIVE BENEFIT EVENT, and tell Mark just how evil he really is.


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