Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The store on Good Day in LA Dec 31

We were just featured on December 31 on Good Day LA in a segment about Winners of the "Best (blank) in LA" contest. The segment is a bit short and it features us and the amazing Cavaretta's Deli (them first). Kinda neat. Check it out for yourself HERE.

Oh, and if you are reading this Blog and are new to our store, check out the customer reviews on the FOX LA website, that should give you a pretty good idea about what type of store we are HERE.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Happy Holidays - Now let's get this blog going...

So if you are reading this, you are probably already a customer at our store. So the first thing I should do, is thank you for your patronage and wish you happy holidays, whichever ones you celebrate at this time. Hope everything gets better, or at least, not worse (in these times, that is already a lot to ask for).

Now, you may ask, why the 'bleep' does Collector's Paradise need a blog? Aren't there enough of these on every site, with opinions of every kind, from politics to Paris Hilton's new BFF? What is the reason, Edward, for you deciding you want to spend more of your already precious time on this "fun" endeavor? Well, the truth is, it's all about Google. Yep, Google made me do this.

As some of you know, we have recently spent an absurd (hindsight) amount of money on cable advertising that resulted in a SMOKIN' TV Ad and very little in feasible revenue.

How do you ask we know that it was a total waste of time? Well, we polled the crap out of anyone whose face we saw for the first time, and found out that a) people drive by and actually turn heads at our ugly yellow sign, and b) people use Google A WHOLE LOT! Cable TV ? Not so much. Almost everyone we asked who did not just see us while driving/walking/running by, said that they did a search on Google and somehow or other we showed up. Wow, all that business without any work on our part (besides creating a pretty neat looking website).

This got me thinking about how to improve those odds and find ourselves on more searches and more often. After doing some Googling myself, I found that Blogs are actually a great way to have the spiders that Google uses to find information like us. And here it is, our own slice of the Blogosphere (well, a crumb of it, not a slice, but who's counting).

So, I know this one has run a bit long and winded. I won't do that again (if I can help it). What I will do is try to update this often and be short and to the point. You will find my random musings about the hobby, about a comic book that made my Wednesday, about a frustration that a comic book company is making me tear out my 3 remaining hairs out, or just a look at what I took pictures of last night (yeah, I am a published photographer, did u know that? Look here)

With this I will end this first of many blogs, and if you are still reading, thank you for "going all the way". Please help me by commenting on my posts, and making me feel that someone actually pretends to care what I write about.

Happy Christmaka to you all!

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